Sales New offersat Grenier Volkswagen
Exclusive offers and promotions at Grenier Volkswagen
Saving money at Grenier Volkswagen is easy with our special offers and promotions on all our new Volkswagen vehicles, our discounts on the purchase of a used vehicle, our affordable and flexible financing, and our seasonal special offers on the detailing and mechanical maintenance of your Volkswagen. At Grenier Volkswagen, you save on every visit!
It would take too long to list all of our special offers here, but know that we offer you discounts on all of our Volkswagen products and services. In our new vehicle department, you get exciting promotions on the purchase of almost all new Volkswagen cars and SUVs, while our used vehicle department will give you exciting promotions and affordable financing offers on our used Volkswagen vehicles in Mascouche!
We also offer promotions on our maintenance and repair services for your Volkswagen vehicle, as well as the purchase of original Volkswagen parts and accessories at Grenier Volkswagen. You can also save when winter or summer arrives with our discounts offered with the purchase of summer and winter tires specially designed for your Volkswagen vehicle!
To find out more about our special offers and discounts, contact us today at Grenier Volkswagen in Mascouche!